That's a really nice gang. They are so cute when they dance. I still don't know why they do it but they seem to really enjoy it.
My other bunch started hand feeding for a while some time last year or before. Then I got too busy, stopped doing it and they lost the habit. I think with some patience it will happen again but there are months on end when I just drop food each day before I run out in the morning and don't really pay attention to the fish at all, even during a water change as I just put the siphon in most times.
And as you say, I am sure the small clown loach will copy the big guys once he joins them and will stop hand feeding though I hope not....
The anubias grows best if you put its roots(not the rhizome) in the substrate. I first have to lock it down with a stone or something until it roots but then it tends to grow really healthy. When I tie mine on wood, it's a struggle as I don't have either co2, nor do I dose anything regularly.
And if you can get the big barteri variety, it goes well with clown loaches 🙂 My clowns love "hiding" amongst it. Or so they think :