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How to find UK reared fish


26 Oct 2024
New to this site, I am also new to aquascaping. I have 2 planted tanks 60 and 150 litres and I had inherited an overwhelming amount of Mollies but after 6 months of sexing, separating and rehoming, I now have 3 females in one tank and 3 males sharing the larger tank with 5 males Guppies. As you can imagine every one is super frustrated but I could not cope with ever multiplying Mollies!
As I'm not likely to kill healthy fishes, I am doomed to have fishes in my tanks and I was thinking that to bring a little harmony would be to put the female Mollies in the large tank, and to get some Guppy ladies but to get a fish or 2 that are not impartial to eating a fries for supper. I also have a really healthy population of snails (Bladder, Ramshorn and Great Pond), which I don't mind as long as they don't eat too much of the plants. so a fish that would eat those too would work well for me! but here comes my dilemma, I would like to buy only fishes that are UK rear, I do not want on my conscience to buy fishes that have travelled the world in a bag, either raised in tank or worst taken from the wild.
Does anyone know of UK base breeders that can prove the provenance of their fish?
Any suggestions welcomed