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How to fight the addiction?

16 Aug 2010
I spend all day looking through planted tank forums, looking on TGM and Aqua Essentials, thinking about new designs, what plants I want next, what scape I'd like to try next, what my dream scape would be, whether I should rescape, buy this, buy that.....But I don't have any money and it's driving me crazy.

Morgan Freeman said:
I spend all day looking through planted tank forums, looking on TGM and Aqua Essentials, thinking about new designs, what plants I want next, what scape I'd like to try next, what my dream scape would be, whether I should rescape, buy this, buy that.....But I don't have any money and it's driving me crazy.

your 1 of many mate, dont get to down about it.
alot of us are in the same boat as you :thumbdown:
Morgan Freeman said:
I don't have any money and it's driving me crazy.

I usually resort to selling things on E-bay that I dont really want to sell 🙁

.......especially true when I make a new purchase after just recently promising the wife that I would'nt buy anything else in the month. Jeez, that sounds like a recovering addict
ive recently got into this planted business, and i know what you mean!
ha... we have something in common, i tried looking for a job since i'm on study break, but kept forgetting because i'm either on the forum all day or staring at my tank... now i still haven't made any extra money... which would all have been used for the hobby anyway and my breaks almost over and i get less than 90 pounds every month (after conversion)... so now... once i start studying again i have to cut back on my spending to feed myself :thumbdown: which leaves less for the hobby