It just won't run the Intense CO2 Inline Atomizer properly grrrrr I thought it was a duel ?it needs to be a dual stage reg to adjust the working pressure, that looks like its one of CO2 arts single stage (but dual gauge) reg, so as far as i know you can't adjust the working pressure i'm afraid 🙁 but someone else might know a trick?
If the gauge is correct it is only around 2.5 bar then ... It is strange I thought there would be a bit of an adjustment ... There is no screw under the badge.. Thanks for thatThese regs are set to about 3.5 bar which should be enough to run nearly all diffusers/atomisers/etc. If it were an adjustable type, there would be an allan key adjustment where the co2 art badge is.
I just bought it too 🙂 .. I have one on my 250 litre tank and it works a treat but on the little 85 litre using the same method straight into the inlet I cannot get it lime green grrrrr so frustratingI've stopped using the Atomizer and bazooka for this very reason. It does work up to about 1 bubble but no matter what I did I couldn't get more out of it. Using a bog standard glass diffuser now waiting on my ISTA Max Mix CO2 Reactor Diffuser from Taiwan.