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How the Other Half Live.

Find it hard to believe it would cost £100,000 also find it hard to believe he would fit 500 fish in it either, 500 fish into 6000 litres = 1 fish per 12 liters is that possible in a large marine tank? mind you its The Sun reporting here 😉
samc said:
i have been seriously thinking about changing to reef tanks :shh:
Im starting marines, Sam, not reef, that seems to be the expensive part, but, i would never quit freshwater tanks, and definately not plants... :thumbup:
I'm with you Zig, I suspect exagerrated figures too.

If you look at the cost of his setup compared to a weeks worth of wages rather than the cost in £... then my 3 footer cost me more!!! :lol: :lol:
a1Matt said:
I'm with you Zig, I suspect exagerrated figures too.

If you look at the cost of his setup compared to a weeks worth of wages rather than the cost in £... then my 3 footer cost me more!!! :lol: :lol:

haha very true! I know that feeling.

I know reef tanks are expensive Im not doubting that for a moment, reefers have their very own exorbitant inflation index within the aquatic community which is well known, but it sounds like the journo just plucked £100,000 out of mid air, sounds like a lot doesnt it!! joe punter should buy that no problem!!

Now lets not talk about the car your wan is driving :lol: bling or wha!!
i like the car, for me its cool. 😀

not a fan of the pool table though.
how is he getting such a large salary, hes not a good player tbh. But man city are loaded so theres my answer.
Ugliest... Car... Ever...
They should bring back war time football, and if you pretend to be injured you should be forced to never play again and do a run of Shakespeare at the globe and suffer all the intellectual abusive reviews. A suitable punishment for play acting I think. :twisted:
There are fish in his tank which used to belong to people I know.
I would be terrified having a pool table so close to the tank though, one stray ball and thats a hell of a lot of water on the floor!

EDIT - having read the article, the tank is acrylic not glass which would possibly explain the huge cost. There is most definately not 500 fish in there though
LondonDragon said:
Joecoral said:
Looks impressive, little over stocked no? specially for the equipment it seems to be running, but I don't know much about marines. I would not mind that in my living room haha

Its plumbed through the floor into a seperate sump room so theres a much larger volume of water not on show, as well as most likely a giant skimmer/phosphate reactor to keep the NO3/PO4 right down