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How 'rich' in nutrients is Tropica Aqua Soil


9 Nov 2022
How 'rich' in nutrients is Tropica Aqua Soil? I have a generous soil depth but unsure to what degree this might act as a substitute for additional Tropica Specialised fertiliser. Is there a better Tropica Aquasoil + fertilser combo than the one I am using given the soil is presumably supplying a lot of minerals (regime is 5 ml fertiliser once a week, 150 litr tank, no Co2, near daily 20 ltr water change, aim is heavily planted).

Related to this I just watched the Filipe Oliveira video on his dosing regime (Flourish micros one week, macros the next). The question I have is whether that kind of regime is only appropriate along with CO2 injection? My goal is non-C02.
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The question I have is whether that kind of regime is only appropriate along with CO2 injection? My goal is non-C02.
Dosing micros (esp. iron) separately from macros (esp. phosphate) is a sound practice no matter whether you inject CO2 or not. Trace metals often form insoluble compounds with phosphate anion.