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How quickly can I start over? (and a few observations and other questions)


24 Jul 2013
I'll get to the details of the questions but first a little introduction to the setup and the thought and equipment behind it. Maybe a little too 'journal'-like for this section 🙂

I'm new to the hobby but have spend the last couple of months soaking up all the knowledge I could find about it. I found a cheap glass nano (19 liters, 47cm wide, 15cm deep and 25cm high), build my own LED system (9 CREE XP-G2 running with the dimmer set at ~700mA) and invested in a Tropica nano CO2 system running at 20 bubbles per minute. I put ~1cm Tropica substrate in and topped off with Aqua Soil Amazonia. After a couple of days 3 Amano shrimps and 4 Cherry shrimps was added.

A week in I think it is fair to say that I have started in a way that can both be described as a success and a failure. And I'm having a blast all along! The success? A pearling lush HC 'Cuba' carpet in a week(!), no algae problems, and a Hydrocotyle Tripartia that has multiplied its size several times in the same time frame. The water is crystal clear (sorry for the bad mobile phone pictures here below - they don't do it justice). I have a little Salvinia Natans floating in the surface to soak up excess nutrients that I plan to scrap once I'm sure the tank is running safely. The water in Copenhagen where I live is very hard. It was ~25dH some years ago but I can't find any new data and it is so high I cant even measure it correctly with my test kits that only goes to ~20dH. For the same reason I haven't found out how to adjust my CO2 by using pH values. I have just used the guidelines with bubbles per seconds that came with my CO2 set from Tropica. So I don't tribute my success with the plants and lack of algae to skill but more dumb luck 🙂

So what's the failure? My aquascape vision failed to be implemented. Badly. I had never tried to plant aquatic plants before and it didn't go too well. The HC kept bobbing up to the surface. Partly due to bad technique on my part but also to the fact that I had never envisioned how deeply they should be put into the soil. I had also put in too much water. All that commotion resulting in the slopes that I had carefully sculpted slowly was eroded away. I had even put in some small plastic sheets to prevent this. When I discovered this halfway through I was afraid to start over because I was worried I had already mangled the roots from my bad efforts.

Here is a picture of the vision and then the result:


The thought was a traditional Iwagumi setup where I wanted some slopes leading up to the stones and then the Hydrocotyle Tripartia should sort appear to have split the stones and cascade out between them. Instead I got a flat field and a heap of problems. I'll list them here as other might learn from them:
  • I placed the stones too close to the back glass so I can't clean it. Think about maintenance when you set up your hardscape!
  • The big stone and the Hydrocotyle Tripartia partly block the inflow from the filter so when the water has evaporated just a little the CO2 and the water flow in general doesn't reach the far right of the tank due to the angle the inflow hits the surface. The Hydrocotyle Tripartia also grows crooked to the one side because of the flow. Think about the flow from the valves! (mine can't be moved due to cheap tank)
  • I usually feed the shrimps in front of the little small stone. As seen on the picture above the leftovers trickle down between the substrate (the bright line a few centimeters down) where it is hard to clean it. I will consider choosing a stone with a flat surface the next time so I can clean the leftovers effectively.
So I would like to start over and rectify the problems and shortcomings mentioned above. How long should I wait before it is 'safe' where the plants and the shrimps will survive? As mentioned the plants seems *very* established already. 5 pots of Tropica HC 'Cuba' with a diameter of ~5cm each has already spread into this (the aluminium cooling rail with the LED a puched to the top of the image):


The diffuser is approximately ~4 cm in diameter so the 5 pots of ~5cm I cut up in ~9 portions each showed a lot of substrate in the beginning.

And here is a picture of the pearling:


And once again sorry for the bad mobile pictures. The water appears green on the top part but its reflections on the glass - it is crystal clear.

So my questions are:
  • How long should I wait considering the state of the plants to redo the scape?
  • Any suggestions on how I can keep the shrimps for the X hours before the tank is ready again. How quick will I be able to put them back in because the bacteria is (partly) established? Will a big bowl/bucket with their own tank water be just fine while I redo the scape?
  • I'm planning not to disturb the Tropica substrate in the lower 1cm but simply move around the old Aqua Soil Amazonia and the (new) stones. Would that be OK?
  • Any other suggestions?
Thank you for still reading this long rant :lol: And sorry for any spelling errors and such. English is not my first language.

Hi tim. I think your being a bit hard on yourself considering what you have achieved .🙂 you have managed to get plants to grow create a scape and it all looks pretty clean too.🙂. Compared to my early attempts you've made a good effort. I'd be tempted to get the scissors out and have a trim shaping the hydro.maybe twist the stones a little away from glass. Unless you had said that English is not your first language I wouldn't know, you use better English that I do. Keep up the good work. Cheers kirk.
Thanks Kirk! But I can't help comparing it to what I wanted to achieve each time I look at it so I think it has to go 🙂

I'm a bit weary of trimming the plants as I'm guessing that would make them more fragile before the rescape? If and when the time is right for that...
I don't know if this is the problem but I believe your carpet of HC is constantly bobbing up because its actually too thick as in it needs trimming. Don't be too afraid of trimming plants prior to planting especially the roots as it does promote new growth. But what you have is really successful and it clearly works.
Hi Michael - Sorry, I was unclear in my post. It only kept bobbing up when I planted them in the setup phase. And that is when the slopes got flattened out. Now the HC is staying put but I'm left with my flat fields and a not so appealing scape. So overall I'm happy with the plants but not the layout of the hardscape/soil

Thanks for your input
Hi tim, as above I certainly wouldn't call your scape a failure very healthy plants. Personally, I start over as soon as I feel I have learnt enough from a layout/ scape and am ready to try and improve on the mistakes ( I make lots :lol: ) so I'd say now is as good a time as any. If you can keep your shrimps in a bucket with the tank filter running in the same bucket with the water from the tank you can then rescape replant fill back up and put shrimps back in, always worth carrying out regular water changes for the first couple of weeks ( daily or every other day ) until everything settles down again then resume your normal maintenance schedule from there. Keep us updated on the progress 🙂
Hi Tim,
great growth you have there :thumbup: You clearly have learned the basics of plant growing, and although your tank looks great, you want to learn from some mistakes and realise your vision.....

Remove tank water into a large bucket and add the filter and livestock.
Uproot plants and seperate if necessary.
Re-profile substrate and re-arrange hardscape as desired.
Replant plants
Refill with 50% water change (always recommended after maintenance)
Fit filter
Add livestock
Do every day 50% water changes for a week whilst your substrate and plants settle again 🙂

Don't worry about trimming, I'd trim plant as you rescape.🙂 I love rescape time I always end up in a right pickle ie forget I'm siphoning walk off and come back to a flooded floor.🙂 I have done it four times now. Some nice moss would compliment your light leaved plants . I'll be keeping an eye out for your next scape.🙂 cheers kirk.
@Ady and Tim (nice name by the way 😉 ): Thanks for the help! But I need to figure out how I can improvise a filter because me current filter is integrated in the tank. There is a s-shaped channel where the water is sucked through some sponges by a small powerhead. Maybe I can use a plastic soda bottle where i cut off the bottom and stuff it with the sponges and the powerhead.

@Kirk: :lol: Sounds like I'll be happy that my tank is placed in the bathroom. I think I have arrived at the conclusion that the tank is simply too small for these stones and after my success with the growth I think I want to try out some more different plants. So I might go a bit more jungle! 🙂
I got some updates but have posted them in 'Plants' section. Unfortunately they are not good 🙁 The rescape is postponed untill my HC bounces back.

Sorry I can't link to the new post but I'm not allowed to make links yet (new member)