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How overgrown/thick do you let your stem and other plants ge

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jim
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22 Jul 2011
New South Wales Australia
How overgrown/thick do you let your stem and other plants get before trimming?

What about your Blyxa Japonica? It grows like a veritable weed in my tank and a single plant the size of a matchbox within a month or so turns into half the size of a basketball that can be then broken down into around 20+ seperate plants.

Glosso? a little bit soons turns into a giant mat thats pushing up against the glass and then go 2 - 3 even 4 layers high. I end up just lifting the whole mat up and cutting a few squares out and replanting them.

Broad leaf chainsword, pull up 300 (they all come up as a mat as well) pick out around 20 small plantlets and replant and off they go again.

Riccia...I'm over Riccia, looks nice, but what a PITA.

My tank never really looks the same for longer than 4-5 days, it's always in a state of flux. Going through either an overgrown look, a just trimmed look or getting to need a trimmed look!

The only thing that stays pretty much the same is my crypt forest.
Re: How overgrown/thick do you let your stem and other plant

Hi jim, mines pretty similar, especially my blyxa too. I've noticed this mainly since I've been using halides, growth is stupid. I've not got much in the way of stems now as it became too much chopping every two days or so. The little stems I do have, I let grow about two inches from the surface then snip and replant. I quite like the overgrown look.
Re: How overgrown/thick do you let your stem and other plant

I switched to slower growing species due this reason. Fastest growing is only Blyxa now. I also do have low to medium light for this reason.
Re: How overgrown/thick do you let your stem and other plant

Hygrophila polysperma! My god what a weed. I reckon it's growing 4/5 inches a week under my 11 watt lamp. I'm constantly trimming it.
Re: How overgrown/thick do you let your stem and other plant

Start an eBay shop jim 😀
Re: How overgrown/thick do you let your stem and other plant


I was getting a complex here....

Re: How overgrown/thick do you let your stem and other plant

Java Moss is growing like a weed in my tank !! It came in as a hitchhiker with some other plants and I didnt even know I had it until I was tearing down my nano. I tied that bit to some driftwood in the 65ltr I set up a year ago and its almost totally filled up the tank. I take out and sell small clumps occasionally but as such I have left it the way it is cos the shrimp love it !!