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How Much Eco Complete (vision 180)


28 Mar 2012
I'm sorry I recognize that this isn't the right section but I'm going shopping for eco comeplete tomorrow and wanted to know how many bags I need for this bow front aquarium. I'm aiming for 3 inches and really dont trust the "calculators" so hoping to drawn on your experience here.
Hi. 1) You should trust the calculators. They are invariably right. Why don't you trust them ? and 2) Can I sway you away from the stuff ? I have just sent back the 4 bags I bought because it is horrid. The Caribsea website says its up to 7mm in grain size when in fact I had TONS of bits that were up to 22mm in size.... practically rocks !!! It has no real benefit to the plants as it is not loaded with nutrients, and it is debatable as to whether the "bacteria" it claims to contain is actually any use. For the price, you could get something far better... Ebi substrate as sold by our sponsors Freshwater Shrimp is an excellent substitute, or even ADA aquasoil.
I'm looking for a substrate which will replenish itself and also good for HC/UG/E Parvula and also cory safe. If any of the above has a high cec then please let me know as i've only been researching eco complete thus far
eco complete is not good for corydora, they come. From silty, sandy rivers mainly. 4 bags of eco. Complete for my 260 litre bow tank. I think there are better, newer alternatives.
eco complete is not good for corydora, they come. From silty, sandy rivers mainly. 4 bags of eco. Complete for my 260 litre bow tank. I think there are better, newer alternatives.

Darren is right, its not good for corys at all.
I'm looking for a substrate which will replenish itself and also good for HC/UG/E Parvula and also cory safe. If any of the above has a high cec then please let me know as i've only been researching eco complete thus far

The Ebi i mentioned above is ideal. It comes in different sizes too so you can use the larger underneath and a layer of the smaller on top which will make planting easier. Its a pretty standard method nowadays. And it has a high CEC too. Its also good for newbies as it wont spike ammonia like ADA will do.