Hi guys
Deciding on which fish to put in my planted tank
I am thinking of
Cardinal tetras
Rummynose tetras
And Rasbora harlequin
Possibly guppy's not 100 percent was also thinking 1 X male Siamese fighter tho not 100 percent
Tank is 243litres
900 wide x600 deep x45 high
But not sure how many I should? have I will be doing shrimps aswell and maybe a few otos
Deciding on which fish to put in my planted tank
I am thinking of
Cardinal tetras
Rummynose tetras
And Rasbora harlequin
Possibly guppy's not 100 percent was also thinking 1 X male Siamese fighter tho not 100 percent
Tank is 243litres
900 wide x600 deep x45 high
But not sure how many I should? have I will be doing shrimps aswell and maybe a few otos