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How is this possible? A baby shrimp just appeared in my tank!

Goldie Prawn

22 Aug 2024
Can someone help me understand this please, I am baffled! I was thrilled to see a few moults and a berried shrimp. She’s had her eggs for about 5 days now. So I was looking in the tank, as I do VERY regularly! Then my husband just spotted one tiny baby shrimp there! I haven’t had any other berried shrimp, my first batch were juveniles and the others I got 2 weeks ago. If I had to guess I’d say this shrimp was about a week old as he/she is swimming about and munching on biofilm?! How is this possible? No previously berried shrimp, no other babies that I can see, and I’ve only had them for just over 2 weeks (although my small previous batch I have had for about 6 weeks). I obviously know that there must have been a conception and an egg but just one?! Pictures below - we have named him Jesus because he’s a miracle! I’ve also added a photo of my berried shrimp because she’s cute 🥰


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It may have come with the added shrimps 2 weeks ago, it is easy to miss a shrimplet this size.
Hmm yes I hadn’t thought of that - maybe my next eyesight isn’t as good as I thought! I can’t see him anymore now and I’ve just cleaned my tank so it was either a figment of my imagination or he’s a master at hiding already!