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How does this sound


11 May 2010
I have done lots of reading of many of the great threads on here and have now started to take some steps towards improving my tank. It is a 200l Roma and I have just done a modest lighting upgrade following a thread on this site . It now has 2x39w ho t5's. I have bought some dry salts and my co2 FE arrived yesterday. Just waiting for my regulator and diffuser now.
I'm not looking for monumental growth just steady growing healthy plants, currently the plants don't really grow they are almost static and in poor condition. I also don't want the full ei regime and all it requires in terms of water changes so I'm intending to dose about 1/4 of the ei levels and continue with my bi weekly water changes of 30 percent. I have Eco complete substrate and quite a lot of plants with quite a few fish also . Does my objective seem achievable with what I propose above or am I way off?

Whatever happens I'm looking forward to the learning experience.