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Holiday dosing.

8 Apr 2018
Bristol, UK
I'm going on a 2 week holiday in a few days. I was interested to know what you guys do regarding dosing (EI) on longer holidays.

I could get a relative to do the 50% water change but I'd rather play it safe in case anything went wrong. I have someone who comes and feeds the fish/doses ferts. I don't think it would be necessary to do full dosing for the two weeks but I have no idea honestly.

I'd rather not mess with changing CO2 levels.

Reduce lighting and CO2 time to say 4 hours light, that way you can get away longer between water changes and reduce ferts dosing.

Put Macro and Micros premeasured and day labelled into small containers

Leave them out for your visiting tank maintainer. They simply empty the bottle for that day (or every other day should be fine), no thinking, no measuring and no room for error. Done.

If not build a doser, like I had to as my neighbour who was going to dose bottles as above "got scared" of killing the fish.
(or buy a ready made one).