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History repeated


29 Jan 2016

My daughters gold fishes died the last time because of ich and guess what has returned with my new tank set up...ICH!!

So last time I used love fish ich treatment and it did sod all. What would you recommend I use this time?? I've got shrimp so need to watch. Don't want my daughters 2 guppies to croak it or she'll be devastated....
Anything malachite green, kills it for me. I have no idea it's effects on shrimps, I'd probably remove shrimp to another tank for a while to be safe; or better yet, move the goldfish to a stock 30-40 litre to treat, since the ich in the main tank has to find a host or die, and shrimp aren't suitable hosts

The life cycle is longer in lower temps for goldfish, so you may be looking at around 2 weeks solid treatment.

P.S depending on how acclimated your guppies are to higher temps. 30 degrees will make the life cycle run in 3 days, thus allowing for faster eradication
Hey bud, I don't have goldfish anymore I had them previously. At the mo I just have 2 guppies, one female betta, 3 Amano shrink, couple nerite snails and Malaysian trumpet snails. Think I'll remove the shrimp, increase the temp and use eSHa exit to treat the tank