It will be easier for you to plant without much water in the tank. You don't have fish to worry about so a big water change would be OK
I wouldn't worry about ph crashes as ada amazonia will buffer your ph. You will still see ammonia as the amazonia will still be leeching it out in large quantities. Sounds like you are doing everything right. Amazonia is great for cycling your filter.
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Thanks frogbit. I had nitrites back up at 5ppm today, so my excitement was premature.When you have 3 consecutive days of 0 ammonia and 0 nitrite you can add fish. It took me 6 weeks to cycle my tank, you'll probably be a bit quicker. A big water change the night before fish shopping will be needed to reduce nitrates.
You need to research which fish suit your water. Otos need soft slightly acidic water, SAE can tolerate soft to moderate hardness, but I think your tank is on the small side for them.
Plants are important but the welfare of fish is paramount.
The thread is from 2016, so I'm going to guess that the wait has been long enough.I would like to say your first enquiry is to wait
That just isn't true.I wouldn't do any water changes whilst cycling, it will set your cycle from the beginning.
I think we are quite good with our advice about tank maturity.I can't believe people on this forum would give that advice.
We have a thread for you <"Transfer moss with BGA to a clean tank ?">.I use Fritz 7 when cycling,
Have a look at <"Dark start vs old filter media?">.this can reduce cycling from 6-8 weeks to 2-4 weeks, however keep testing.