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Hi. Updating Trigon 190


New Member
25 Dec 2013
Hi all.

A long time reader here. Great info. Thanks.

My family and I move into a lovely 1930's house 8 weeks ago. Lots of work to do, but i'll get there.

So, my trigon after 10 years looking like a forest is now sitting in the hall looking sad and empty.
I started using FE co2 about 6 months ago and wow! I should had done it years ago.(I'll post some pics of the tank when I've learnt how)

So after looking at many different scapes, I stumble across Mr Gary Nelson Crypt Corner journal.

May I say Sir, wonderful. Just what I was looking for. If it ok with you? I'm going to attempt to re-create your design.
So I've take out my old juwel filter and going to use a eheim 2173 professional 3 350 T. I'll also add a aquabeam mini 400 to the two t5's

Base substrate.
Not sure. Anything suitable with fuji sand and doesn't cloud the water if plants get up-rooted.

I like what Gary has used( what is it?) but if I find any nice looking pieces of dragon stone at my LFS. I might give that ago.

Something I'm still learning. My old setup was low tech for years. So the plants I had were, nana, wenditt brown, green. Crinum calamistratum, Microsorum pteropus 'Windelov', Vesicularia ferriei 'Weeping' and plenty of others that didn't make it.
I would like to include a red plant, maybe Alternanthera reineckii 'Mini'.

The tank will be setup after the house has been rewired, which hopefully will be at the end of Jan.

So between now and then I can get all the bits and pieces together, including that magnet holder for my scissors, tweezers etc. 🙂

I also keep koi, who are currently living in the garage. Intex pool 10ft ! Marvellous.
