Robbie X
Hi, a little info about me. Over the years I have kept a number of fresh water aquariums and have also ran a saltwater reef system. My freshwater aquariums have mainly been sparsely planted cichlid tanks.
I have been out of the hobby for the past five years due to suffering from P.T.S.D.
I know feel like getting back into the hobby and have fallen in love with aquascaping. I no longer own any equipment so will be starting from scratch. I will be on a tight budget so it may take some time for it to come together.
Aquascaping will be a new journey, and experience I am very much looking forward to.
My planned setup:
AQUARIUM: Undecided
PLANTS: Undecided
FISH: Apistogramma cacatuoides (Pair), undecided dwarf cichlid (Pair), small shoal of Corydoras panda, shoal of Paracheirodon innesi or Paracheirodon axelrodi.
I have been out of the hobby for the past five years due to suffering from P.T.S.D.
I know feel like getting back into the hobby and have fallen in love with aquascaping. I no longer own any equipment so will be starting from scratch. I will be on a tight budget so it may take some time for it to come together.
Aquascaping will be a new journey, and experience I am very much looking forward to.
My planned setup:
AQUARIUM: Undecided
PLANTS: Undecided
FISH: Apistogramma cacatuoides (Pair), undecided dwarf cichlid (Pair), small shoal of Corydoras panda, shoal of Paracheirodon innesi or Paracheirodon axelrodi.