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Hi from Arizona


11 May 2013
Gilbert, Arizona

I recently won a high output led plant light in a writing contest and while I had a casual tank with very snaily plants about 9 years ago, I thought I might try to do a snail-free, lightly planted tank this time. I'm already a bit worn out by all the decisions (substrates, low-maintenance/no co2 plants, tankmates for my 2 bn plecos...that's the big one right now) and I'm just very thankful to have found ukaps which appears to be a very kind, very nice, relaxed, generous forum of fish/invert/plant keepers of all levels.

I look forward to meeting everybody and hopefully, with time, being able to give back to the site.

Thanks so much!

p.s. Other than the fish, I'm a big animal/nature lover--having a very loving doggie-daughter and being the caterer and friend to a family of 4 ganders, their families and any friends they happen to bring along.
Wow! You guys are really wonderful, such good people! You know how to welcome beginners. I'll start asking questions right away🙂


And thanks to Ady34 for liking my post and awarding me a trophy!