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Hi everyone 👍


26 Aug 2021
Hi ninjascape here,

I keep:
8 cardinal tetras
3 coolie locahes
2 dwarf gourami
1 algea loach (I would like to identify. It was sold with name loach)

Currently setting up a 5ft by 2ft by 2ft Planted aquarium.

That's a Sucking Loach, aka Indian Algae Eater or Chinese Algae Eater, Gyrinocheilus aymonieri. Technically not a true Loach, but it has Loach in it's name. 🙂
Not native to China or India, so the other names are not very helpful either.
They can be quite good at eating algae when they're small, but they prefer fishfood when they get bigger. They can grow quite big and boisterous, but in your 5ft tank that shouldn't be a problem unless you want to keep any timid fish. They can be aggresive to other fish with a similar body shape, like true loaches, Rainbow Sharks, Siamese Algae Eaters etc.
SeriouslyFish is a useful source of fish info;
Sucking Loach
Arr this would explain his recent behaviour chasing other fish. I am not amused with him but it makes sense know. He actually in the 60 liter tank but I may transfer him to the 5ft so he happy an dosent really bother other fish. Thankyou for identifying the locah! 🐠👍