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Hey From Sunny California!


27 May 2013
I know right? So far away from the Uk!!! But I was recomended to this website because I've seem to come in contact with ACRES of manzanita that I like to collect and try to pawn off for very low prices. Usually 40$ a box plus EXACT shipping. Last package I shipped to was to a member named Ian (I was told he was a moderator on here) Exact shipping to the Uk only cost him 22.68$~~

Anyways hello all. I'm the proud owner of one planted tank and one biotope. The biotope is not planted though one day I will have a discus tank or a much larger version of a different portion of South america set up with plants and I look forward to coming here with complaints about why my floaters are dying xD

here's an image of my 20long (I don't really care about aquascapes right now as I care more about my fish and this tank has proven amazing for them,they have bred twice within 2 months of owning them, have millions of hiding spots, and the female chooses very unique area's under leaves in which to breed with her mate ^_^)


The manzanita and the leaf litter were all collected by ME!!! ^_^ I collected the manzanita myself from the mountains of Tahoe off of private property that is PLAGUED with this stuff, it grows like a bad weed. ^_^ I hope to enjoy my stay here and visit often as I love looking at beautiful planted tanks but am not currently up to the challenge!
Hi Kurono
welcome on board !!! for sure you will enjoy your stay here !!! this forum is full of infos !
even if you are not up to the challenge, we encourage you to start a journal and a planted tank!! there is a lot of expert and friendly members who will be very happy to help guide and give advices to be up for that chalenge.
We always have a starting point when we do something new mate !!
I am on this forum for less than a year and I can see improvement !! and my knowledge is better than before !!

cheers and welcome
Hello and welcome. I remember reading about how happy he was with the wood and have just read your thread also.🙂 nice looking manzinta. Very kind of you to take the time to supply at a reasonable price to the good people on here. 🙂 cheers kirk.
Hello and welcome. I remember reading about how happy he was with the wood and have just read your thread also.🙂 nice looking manzinta. Very kind of you to take the time to supply at a reasonable price to the good people on here. 🙂 cheers kirk.
In my opinion manzanita should be cheap it grows like a weed and is beautiful. Its easy to collect as well, In three hours I'm able to collect an entire trunk full. So I'm gladly willing to provide it at a low rate ^_^ Glad Ian liked it, hopefully on wednesday I'll pick up some more pieces for him since I'll be going back up.
Hi Kurono
welcome on board !!! for sure you will enjoy your stay here !!! this forum is full of infos !
even if you are not up to the challenge, we encourage you to start a journal and a planted tank!! there is a lot of expert and friendly members who will be very happy to help guide and give advices to be up for that chalenge.
We always have a starting point when we do something new mate !!
I am on this forum for less than a year and I can see improvement !! and my knowledge is better than before !!

cheers and welcome
You know what I think I shall!!! I'd enjoy a nice little planted tank, I got one in my bathroom that's ran on seachem and play sand, I wouldn't mind seeing more growth out of it, Thank you so much for the encouragement!! ^_^
Welcome Kurono.
Your hello sounded a little like a sales pitch, but I'm hoping being involved on the site will encourage the aquascaping and planted tank bug again, sounds like you've got a plentiful supply of a great hardscape material at your disposal 😉
Its a great hobby and forum to be involved in and I look forward to your continued input 🙂
Nice looking biotope by the way.
Welcome Kurono,
Your hello sounded a little like a sales pitch, but I'm hoping being involved on the site will encourage the aquascaping and planted tank bug again, sounds like you've got a plentiful supply of a great hardscape material at your disposal 😉
Its a great hobby and forum to be involved in and I look forward to your continued input 🙂
Nice looking biotope by the way.
Thanks! And I hope to become more apart of it too, I've got a 10g I've been meaning to give more love just fell out of it trying to get my cichlids set up in a proper home. Its full of amazon sword, anubias, java fern, xmas moss, manzanita, and then some anubias with a jacked up morimo ball. I'm looking to reshape it into a asian biotope with maybe a couple dario dario one day, but right now I just wanna focus on making it a soley anubias tank, which will be awesome in my opinoin with java fern as a back curtain and anubias tied up all over in the tank. It'll provide lots of hiding locatoins and hopefully look good in the process!!! Too many aquascapes i see that are built for the viewer completely stripping the fish of hiding spots x3 That is something I want to avoid with my future aqauscape.

I nicknamed the tank Hot mess because you gotta admit there is a lot going on that is just wrong xD So hopefully with ya'll planters I can make this into a tank to idolize but that is still also easy to care for. As I'm very poor so I'd like to avoid super high tech and focus on the slower species of plants.