Hey Everyone
I'm a beginner this is my first attempt on scaping a tank. Though I already posted it in a different thread. I still wanted to make aquaintaince with you all and introduce myself. This tank costs less than a hundred dollars. I picked the wood stones myself. Got the glass glued it.
I'm in awe of how passionate everyone here is about aquascaping. Thank You UKAPS for such a wonderful platform. I'm here to learn.
I'm a beginner this is my first attempt on scaping a tank. Though I already posted it in a different thread. I still wanted to make aquaintaince with you all and introduce myself. This tank costs less than a hundred dollars. I picked the wood stones myself. Got the glass glued it.
I'm in awe of how passionate everyone here is about aquascaping. Thank You UKAPS for such a wonderful platform. I'm here to learn.