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Help with plants please


23 Oct 2016
Short history.

Six foot Tank 2 years old, well stocked community planted with large variety of plants. Co2 via FE and regulator drop checker consistently lime green during photo period and lots of pearling. Lights were 4x t8's just changed over to zetlight lancia's on gull gower for 6 hours per day rest of time dull or off.
I dose flourish once per week after 30-40% water change and trace midweek. All plants have root tabs and iron tabs.
The picture is a plant leaf that is almost see through.
Had a tough time for a few months with family illness and bereavement on top of work and tank was neglected apart from water changes. Co2 ran out and did not have time to collect more, was out for 8 weeks or so.
Tiger Lotus which was amazing is now struggling as are a few other plants.
Algae went mad, getting on top of that now.
Could the leaf in the picture and also my tiger lotus be deficient in something,
Tank has been back to normal parameters now for 3 weeks but the pictured plant was only bought in 4 weeks ago to add some height whilst I hoped the tiger lotus recovered.
Many thanks


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