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Help with plant


11 Nov 2015
After changing a few things up in my tank I've started to see new growth on a stem plant I nearly binned!

My question is what do I do with them? Leave as it is or do I trim the new growth off and replant?

Cheers Steve

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
After changing a few things up in my tank I've started to see new growth on a stem plant I nearly binned!

My question is what do I do with them? Leave as it is or do I trim the new growth off and replant?

Cheers Steve

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
Leave the new growth as is - they need to gather strength (=energy). Later, when these branches have grown bigger and stored energy, you can cut and re-plant. The off-cuts then have much better chance of producing new roots and start a life on their own.
- good luck with your Rotala's......