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Help with plant choice....


24 May 2013
Hello guys

I've recently rescaled my tank a 35l eheim aquastyle and I'm after a small foreground plant to place around some small rocks.My lighting is the standard eheim led,aqua basis topped sand substrate and I'm dosing 2ml a day of easy carbo and 2.5ml of neutro plus with weekley 50% water changes.

I've been looking at Lilaeopsis mauritiana but unsure how that will fare in my conditions?
I'll try a post a picture when I figured out how to!

Many thanks in advance.ben
Staurogyne repens is a nice option also. Not particularly light demanding, if you cut off the taller vertical stems when planting it quickly forms a nice carpet and can be pruned for fun without apparent harm.
Cheers guys I'll have a look at the ones you've suggested, I've been looking at e.tenellus too how do you think that would cope?
The taller options - fx. tenellus - will make the rounded stones disappear. They will also "confuse" the image of the scattered Crypts, allready in the scape. A low/flat type will just underline those features.
- It all depends on what you want, with this scape 🙂