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Help with HC carpet


26 Feb 2015
I'm looking for some help with my 2 week old set up, all info is in my journal. The HC has slightly started to turn yellow and would like some advice on getting back to good health please. Drop checker is lime green, dosing E.I every day.


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Can you tell me more about your co2 set up and what substrate your using?

Hc are new so they need to adapted to there new tank so leaving co2 on high helps alot. I can see there is no live stock so just crank up the co2 or leave it for 24 hours and slowly cut it down. You want to aim for high co2 level when the light comes on. Turn on co2 3 or 4 hours before light it what you want to aim for.

Another thing is if your using ada substrate you don't need to add fertiliser straight away but since your already are just cut the dose to half and slowly add more once your plant mass gets bigger. Good luck

Hi Ryan , I'm using Ada Amazonia substrate & dosing e.i from start ,co2 is being injected with a FE through a inline automizer, I have co2 on 3 hours before lights and go off an hour before.

I will adjust the co2 and ferts tonight, really don't want the the carpets to completely melt.

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Looks like it's adjusting as someone said.... mine took a while. However, the yellowing leaves are old which would indicate nitrate IIRC. The new growth looks nice and green so can't be iron. I'd up your macros by 1/3 (won't hurt, and is worth a try before reducing anything - can be reset with a water change if things go tits up) as in a new setup you might not be getting all the nitrate you need due to cycling.

I'm assuming the soil releases ammonia?
Are you aerating at night? (this will benefit the cycling process dramatically)

Either way, I think reducing the dose in a cycling tank with no livestock with gas maxed out is asking for all sorts of trouble.
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