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Help with flow please

Can't see pictures and Youtube is blocked in China ...:banghead::walkingdead::what::rage:😡:hungover:....

No worries, you're not missing much really
Are you saying that you cannot see any pictures on the forum or just the ones I posted?

I'll give a go with the calcium carbonate, thanks for the tip

Here is a picture of the skimmer just been installed:

And here is a picture of the back left corner where I have fitted the short piece of spray bar:

The flow seems to be really good now


Sent from my D5803 using Tapatalk
Nice skimmer, that one will help for sure. This time I can see pictures....sometimes I can, sometimes I can't....need to get my VPN working again.
Hi Martin,

Have you tried The tor network? I wonder if it would help you to browse anything you like.

For my flow problem, I think I've got now best solution for my set up.
I've put back the spray bar on the top left side and I've got rid of the lily pipe (and the skimmer). Instead of the lily pipe, the flow from the second filter is now split in two hoses going to outlets as you can see on the pictures:
Those are blowing the water at the bottom of the tank creating a circular motion.
What is even better now is that the co2 mist is released at the bottom and stay longer in the water so as more time to dissolve.
I've ordered acrylic pipes and will build something nice hopefully


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