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Help with CO2, I think?!


30 Mar 2009
Ive recently been trying to increase growth and create a properly planted tank after getting inspiration from some of the great examples around at the moment.

I have experimented with CO2 in the past; but around two weeks ago bought a JBL refillable bottle system with night time shut off solenoid.

Everything seemed to be going great - gradually upped the CO2, and monitoring the pH against my kH, I believed I had reached around the 20 -25 mg/l range, which seemed to be confirmed by my drop checker.

Then two weeks after starting with the CO2, disaster struck - I came downstairs yesterday (christmas morning of all) to find all fish gasping at the surface, with three of my larger geophagus altifrons and two cardinals already dead. So I grabbed an air pump and within 30 mins or so the tank was returning to normality. To say I was gutted is an understatement.

I know that the solenoid went off around an hour before lights out, and I always check before heading up to bed. It comes on two hours before lights on, which at the time I found the tank was a few hours away from turning on. I checked the pH and found that my pH had dropped to 6.7-6.8, where it normally sits around 7.0-7.2 whilst co2 is being injected. My kH is around 6 - 6.5, so from looking at the co2 tables I found that to be the problem.

Checking the CO2 bottle gauge I found the pressure to be down to 30 from 55-60, and came to the conclusion that with the bottle starting to empty out before lights out, it had pushed the co2 a bit high, but then after lights out the additional respiration of the plants and fish had then caused this to reach hazardous levels.

So I left the CO2 off all day yesterday, with an air pump running. (So paranoid I was about the tank, I even set up a webcam stream so I could check on the fish whilst we were out having christmas dinner with the family).

All seemed ok, so I presumed a rookie mistake of not keeping an eye on the bottle pressure. This morning, I switched bottles to a new 2kg CO2 bottle. (After lights had come on, and began to adjust the BPS down, to be sure I was well within safe limits. So this did not happen again. Within 5 - 10 minutes all fish started to gasp once again - not at the surface but clearly laboured. So Ive once again switched off the CO2 and switched the air pump back on. Ive just checked pH and it is showing around 7.4, which makes no sense as that should be well within CO2 limits at my kH of 6-6.5. So I checked the kH and that is spot on, as it always has been, no change!

So, firstly, I don't understand why the fish are gasping? I have one of my filter outlets constantly breaking the surface for gas exchange, and the other outlet creates circulation around the tank.

The night before the co2 incident, I did a water change in my normal way, with pre-prepared water, and then added JBL ferropol weekly fertiliser dosed as described - a certain amount for the top up of whats been used, and a certain amount for the new replacement water. Apart from that Ive been dosing ferropol 24 every day at the dosage described on the bottle, and easycarbo at the dosage described on the bottle.

Only other recent changes to the tank are the evening of the 22nd I added colombo flora-base 2L to part of the tank, with around 6 new potted plants. I know this can act to reduce pH, so I have been monitoring this each day with no change to normal shown until christmas morning after the incident. I also added some new pre-soaked bogwood.

My tank stats are:

Nitrate around 20,
Ammonia / nitrite 0,
kH 6 - 6.5
pH (out of the tap) 7.6-7.8, in tank when co2 running 7.0-7.2, and when not running (since starting co2 injection) around 7.4.
Temperature 26 deg.C.
Size 240L, guessing 200-210L of water volume taking into account whats in the tank.
I change 90-100L of water once a week.
Tank filters have been running for around two years now, this tank was actually setup with fresh substrate, plants and decor around 9/10 months ago.
Water is pure HMA with added water conditioner to ensure no chloramines.

I am at a loss to what the cause could be, can anyone see what Im doing wrong, or any suggestions? Im going to perform another water change first thing tomorrow, and leave out the plant fertiliser. Is it possible that an overdose of the ferropol could cause this, if my plants aren't using it up fast enough?

A few quick phone pics of where Im at with the tank at this moment:



Any comments welcome and greatly received,

How many bubbles per second are you using!?also with you saying the bottle pressure had dropped it could be possible that you suffered a co2 dump but then that wouldn't explain why the fish started gasping again when you changed the bottle over.

It sounds to me that your injecting too much co2, especially if you state that the bottle only lasted two weeks??

Also even though you may hear the solenoid click off, did you purchase this new or second hand as it could still be allowing co2 through if its faulty??

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Yeah the CO2 dump is what I thought may have started happening. It was ony a 500g bottle, running 125bpm. No leaks and it was a new kit, the solenoid is definately cutting the supply.
Co2 definitely doesn't seem high then, were you counting the bubbles from the taifun or a seperate bubble counter?
I'm sure you don't use a bubble counter with that.
When you came down to them gasping what colour was your drop checker?? Very yellow???

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Counting at a bubble counter, came in the kit. The drop checker was only showing very slightly more green than usual, certainly not yellow, which confused me, hence why I checked the pH to confirm co2 was up.

Ill check my ammonia again but it was reading 0, thanks for the info on the florabase, didnt realise it leached ammonia!
Two bubbles a second for over 200lt !
unless you have a very wide bore C02 line & a huge bubble counter that amount of gas will not be responsible for the fish deaths.
You cant rely on a BC for ultimate accuracy however, most guys would be using a much higher BC count than that.
I have never used florabase but, if it does leach ammonia like ADA substrates, then I would agree with that is the more likely cause.
Change as much water as practical every day for as long as it takes.
Every tank is different but my own 200l tank uses 2kg of gas every 12 weeks.using 80w of T5 & 27w of LED for 8 hours a day.
Thanks for the advice.

Ive checked the ammonia a few times over the last 24 hrs and I keep getting 0 back, not even a slight colour change.

Anyway, performed a 50% water change and started the co2 again, everything seems to be going well! Ive setup an air pump on a timer to help ensure co2 levels dont rise at night. From what Ive read most people dont bother, but I dont want to risk losing anymore fish!

Im going to setup my own thread to chart the tanks progress, but hopefully this problem is now sorted... And Ill put it down to an initial ammonia release from the florabase; hard lesson to learn, will definately remember that in the future.

Thanks for all the input 🙂
Anytime Ive had fish gasping at the top it's been because of insufficient gas exchange at the surface. going from your pictures: I would say the single out let from the filter return isn't causing enough surface agitation to sufficiently exchange gases. Can I ask why you're not using a spray bar? Do you have two filters (it looks like you do)? If yes, then what most people do is attach the spray bars so they have them running along the back wall pointed towards the front of the tank. They position them so that they point up towards the surface, which agitates it and also produces a flow which hits the front, goes down to the bottom, towards the rear and back up. This sort of circular flow is optimum for distributing the co2 as well.

basically if you have the surface of the water rippling away all over then the gas exchange will happen as it should and your fish won't be gasping
Ah good spot! Ive got a few spray bars, and I have been experimenting with the flow in the tank as Ive been getting a detritus build up on some of the plant leaves. The spray bar is now back on to create good agitation.

Ive also now got two wave makers which should help with CO2 dispersion through the tank - as well as solving the build up on the plant leaves.

Everything seems to be going fine again now, still no ammonia / nitrites are registering, so hopefully my filters are taking care of any release from the flora-base. Unfortunately due to the downtime of the co2 for a few days I seem to have gained some BBA on the edges of my Anubias and Crypts, hopefully will be able to get rid of it before it spreads...