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11 Nov 2009
acocks green, birmingham, uk
hi guys i need some help asap, i have just screwed on my new co2 bottle nice and tight but the pressure on the gauge shows 0 and fills up the gauge very very very slowly.
i turn the co2 on and a few bubbles come out, the pressure drops back down to 0 and thats it until i turn it off and it happens all over again.
what can i do?? i dont want to leave it like this in case it goes off in the night etc
🙁 :jawdrop :cry:
hi mate im so glad someone was on here now lol, i cant get a pic at the min but its a colombo nano c02 kit.
its a 95g bottle(small ones)
the thing is i dont want to undo it if its full but cant leave it like this if i cant get the co2 out.
🙄 :cry:
paul, in the last 10 mins it went up to 500psi so i just opened up the co2 and it dropped back down to 0.
any ideas why its taking so long to fill up with pressure?
do you think the pierced hole in the disposable bottle isnt pierced enough?
cheers bud :thumbup:
can't really help as I've never used that kit... but check for leaks (soapy water and check for bubbles), good place to start at least.

how do i close it down? wouldn't it be best if i left it open slightly to not put too much pressure on it?
this is the second bottle i have ever put on and i think it might be my last.
should i up my easy carbo now then if my co2 is down for a while?
my only inverts are 10 cherry shrimp.
yes thats the one, i can turn a knob on the top which lets co2 out or stops it the thing is if i turn it off the pressure rises so i thought leaving it open a little will relieve some pressure.
any idea why its done this?
If you turn it off and the pressure rises, then the issue is between the knob and the difuser.

You need to be aware that CO2 is poisonous, and you cannot smell it. The safe thing is to put it outside the house.

Invest on a proper co2 bottle.. something more solid, like a JBL bottle..
ghostsword said:
You need to be aware that CO2 is poisonous, and you cannot smell it. The safe thing is to put it outside the house.

Uhm, nope. Carbon monoxide is poisonous. Carbon dioxide is used everywhere... and yes, too much co2 can be dangerous as it drives the o2 out of our bodies, but it would take a hell of a lot more than one 95g bottle to even give you a headache :thumbup:
🙂 I stand corrected.. 🙂 It is everywhere, you are right.. quite embarrassing really.. 😀

So if the bottle is a 95g only there is no issue, most probably is it empty now.

As I got a 2kg at home, if it developed any sort of fault it would be on the garden straight away.
:lol: you got me worried for a min there, i was running all around the house opening up the windows lol.
is it safe to unscrew the regulator thing a little until i hear it hiss then re tighten once again just to see if it helps with anything?
oh and any ideas on what i can do for the time been for co2 in the tank.
i have easy carbo which i was dosing 0.5ml a day with the co2 too.
the tank is 10l and i have a few cherries in there.
cheers :thumbup: