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Help setting up tank.


15 Nov 2010
I have a tank in my bedroom which currently is looking pretty plain and boring,I see all these amazing set ups and I sit here in envy thinking why can't my tank look like this?It currently just has a lot of Anubis Barteri and other random cuttings from my tank down-stairs there growing well but I would like to add some other low tech plants that would bring some more colour that grow well under a 15watt bulb,any idea's on what would be best? I also would like to know how to get a basic but effective aqua scape?Sorry about all the questions,still trying to get the hang of this.

I think the first step is to decide what style tank you would like, jungle, dutch, iwagumi' bio tape etc.. then you decide on method of process. Once decided what route you aim to take you can start to think about hard scape. What woods or rocks would sort the preferable style chosen. There are loads of gallery images on here that will help you. I have just started a new iwagumi triptych. Click my signature link to check it out bud.


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I would like to set up a nano Iwagumi style tank,I have looked at your journal for your new set up,good job by the way it's amazing!Where did you buy you substrate/rocks etc,there is no decent shops around here apart from maiden head aquatics,do you buy online?if so where?

I get all my products on Ebay or fresh water shrimp website 🙂 loads around. Aqua essential too. Mainly ukaps it Ebay though 🙂

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I use Eco-complete black... but you pay for what you get. There are plenty out there,just have a look at everybody else's set-ups in the Journal section.
Manrock is right.. I have 3 types of substrates in different tanks. I have EBI gold substrate capping my ADA amozonia in my shrimp tanks. I have ADA amazonia in another on its own and I have bonsai akadama with Irish peat moss and john innes no.3 compost. All working very well indeed 🙂. So its just a case of looking around and finding out what suits you mate. And your budget of course. 🙂

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i also need to know what substrate for my ada 60-f i am planning dhg carpet and using co2 etc but not a clue what substrate or how much i need?

thanks dean
Deano3 said:
i also need to know what substrate for my ada 60-f i am planning dhg carpet and using co2 etc but not a clue what substrate or how much i need?

thanks dean

I've responded in your substrate thread 😀