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Help required new tank setup


30 Jun 2020
East Anglia
1. Size of tank in litres. 300l
2. Age of the set - up. 3:weeks
3. Filtration + Media/Sponges.oase 600 thermo and fluval 407
4. Lighting and duration. Chihiros WRGb2 7hrs with 1 hour ramp up/down
5. Substrate. Nutribase topped with gravel then tropica soil
6. Co2 dosing or Non-dosing.yes co2
7. Fertilizers used & Ratios. None as tank is new
8. Water change regime and type. First week every day 80% 2nd week every other day 80% now 80% weekly
9. Plant list + When planted.
10. Drop Checker.green
11. Inhabitants. None1000010701.jpg
12. Full tank image & Surface image.

New tank been running 3 weeks is this green stuff part of the process or am I onto a nightmare already

Chihiros lights 40% 7 hours a day 1 HR ramp up and down
CO2 drop checker green
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There are also threads about removal of cyano in the forum.
Agree with @hypnogogia - I was just going to ask for some more enviornment details too.
🙈🙈🙈 Will it take over tank?? Can I not buy a chemical to chuck in to kill it, sorry just all new to this
Siphon it out. Keep doing water changes. The tank is only 3 weeks old. A lot of my problems went away with water changes and patience.

Cyanobacteria treatments do exist but I can’t comment on their effectiveness. Some are antibiotic based and adding antibiotics to water is usually a bad idea.
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