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help removing algae

wet lettuce

24 Jan 2012
United kingdom
hi guys just wanna apologize in advance because you must all be sick of the algae posts by now ive been reading through the posts for a few months trying out any and all advice i can find to get rid of the algae but its just not happening. ive had me tank for nearly two years now but just recently started converting it into a planted tank (used to be veeerry plain). ill rattle off all the details first:

113 litre tank
2x 40 watt T8's - aquaglo runs for 9 hours a day, lifeglo runs for 6 hours a day through midday
aqua 1 aquis 1250 external filter (850 l/h)
home made fire extinguisher CO2 setup (made from the guide on this forum - thanks!)

Ive got 7 rainbows 4 german blue rams and 3 pakistani loaches at the minute and a couple amazon swords and java fern growing on my wood. im currently doing a 40% weekly water change and im not adding any fertilizers or owt for the plants. the algae practically covers my whole tank and all the plants every month and the whole lot needs a good scrub down. The plants still grow but it doesnt take the new leaves long before theyre covered in the green algae aswell as the glass. Ive got the Co2 setup ok so the drop checker is always on green, ive checked the ammonia, nitrate and nitrate levels constantly and theyre always nil and the only food waste i get in the tank is tiny bits from the frozen food floating round till the filter gets it. im guessing its the lighting thats the problem it always seems to be the lighting just not sure if its not enough or most likely too much but ive read a lot that lowering the lighting too much can encourage algae growth aswell. any advice is a great help because im almost bald from this now haha if you need any more info just let is know. thanks!
I'm no expert, but it looks like you have about 4WPG of light, which is way high!

I'd remove one light tube (if you can), reduce light period to around 7 hours and start adding fertilizer.
Cut all your light period back to 5 hours to start, it can be increased again once the algae is sorted.
The biggest issue you have is not adding any nutrients to the tank, you can pump co2 in until your blue in the face bit without the nutrients then the plants will not consume it... Where as algae will thrive in low nutrient environments.
Either go the EI route or look at something like flourish.
If it is hair algae you are struggling then manual removal with a toothbrush is essential to get on top of it.
Is the tank in any direct sunlight?

Post some pictures etc and advise you get will be far more accurate. We need to know what algae is present.
ok a couple pics sorry about the massive size and the poor quality i fail at technology

dont think ive got any hair algae. over the plants it covers them like a thick brown slime and the glass is like a green carpet every few weeks feel like a window cleaner these days haha. what is the EI stuff for the plants? ive mostly just bought your average aquarium plant feeder treatment from the local garden centre