I haven't changed the co2 amount in ages, im only using 4 of the 6 tubes of lighting, the only thing that's changed is the length of hours the lights are on for,
320w lighting, 125g tank.
12,000lph flow plus 2000 filter. the flow is more at one end of the tank, I think the algae is worse on the furthest end away from the wavemaker, I may try adding a wavemaker to the opposite end or placing the one I have in a different location, as the only spares I have are 12000 lph as well
im using jbl ferts, but I have EI which I will be using from the morning, once I have done a water change.
the drop checker is at the end furthest away also, and it says its still getting co2 there, there is flow, not a lot at the surface it looks like, but I can see fow below the surface on that side. I have a tiger lotus the same end as the stuff with algae on it, and its unaffected, I have a stem plant in the middle there as well, maybe a ludwigia and again its unaffected, but the bolbitis is covered, some of the grass, swords, and aponogeton don't look too great either