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1 Jul 2008
Hi, I currently keep plastic plants in my very plain looking Rio 260 but have just bought some floating plants, duckweed (very exotic :lol: ), salvina and Amazon frogbit which have started to die! I need some food for them I think. Can someone please recommend me some, I dont mind if I have to mix it up but there are so many brands I'm lost and probably could spend an absolute fortune. My aquatic frogs seem to love them but I fear I wont have any left soon!
Floating plants are generally very tough and the biggest problem I have seen with them is condensation dripping off the hood onto the leaves which causes them to go mouldy and fungused and damp off. Try tilting the hood flaps slightly so the condensation doesn't build up. As to fertilising they will very greedily take up both macro and micro fertilisers but usually they will grow pretty well without them. As they are new they may take a week or so to acclimatise to the new water conditions.
Yes I think they were getting wet and going mouldy, could you please provide a link for a product that has everything ilI need or maybe more than one. Thanks! 🙂
glowlight said:
Yes I think they were getting wet and going mouldy, could you please provide a link for a product that has everything ilI need or maybe more than one. Thanks! 🙂

an off the shelf fert will do, the best brands are tropica and seachem, but if you only have floating plants the just go for a cheaper option like tetra or JBL. Dont use the nutrafin - it doesnt work (or at least it didnt for me)