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Help Needed


18 Sep 2011
I have just planted up my tank and have planted Hemianthus Callitrichoides for a carpet,
I have 3 platies and I have just been watching them and I am worried they will dig up
or eat my new delicate attempt at a carpet!

is this likely?
I believe platy's will nibble on your carpet plant but if some veggie flakes/spirulina flake are given regularly, maybe they will leave it alone.Might also consider some type floating plant, maybe pennywort.
I saw the floating plants but was concerned as it would block light.

I am hopeful that the carpet will take but I realise its a difficult thing to grow
You could move the 3 platies in a bowl or another tank for a week or so which I believe is how long it takes for your plants to form a rooting system. Then when u add them back it would be difficult to uproot the HC.