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Help! Angels laying eggs.


10 Mar 2011
Stratford upon Avon
Hi ,my pair of koi angels are spawning as we speak, laying eggs on one of my anubias, i have never had this before so what is best, leave them or remove the whole plant ?
I have a superfish aquaqube in the bedroom with some inhabitants which i could move easily,so i could move the anubia with the eggs on it in there, good idea?
in the main tank were the angels are spawning there are 3 medium kribs, 1 adult honey gourami, 6 lemon tetras,and another smaller angel, and a small plec,
so whats best?
The fry will not survive in the community you have there. If you want to keep them you could snip off the leave they are on while shooing away the parents who might panic and try and eat them and put the leave in a big jar before lifting it out of the water. Contact with air will kill the eggs off. Then put the jar in you intended tank but with the water level below the hight of it. Wait until temp evens up and slowly add some water from the new tank same as you acclimatise a fish. Once in the new tank maybe add some myaxin or other antibacterial and an airstone to create flow and oxygen around the eggs mimicking what the parents would do. If you have any infertile eggs that start to fungus try removing them with a pipette before its spreads to other eggs.

Good luck
hi, thanks for the reply,
I went over to my other halfs place where the tank is , but no net access there so was unable to read any replys until now, we decided to leave them be on the basis that the two spawning angels are by far the biggest things in there so should be able to, and are, fending off any nosy fish that should stray within a foot of their eggs, which after now reading your reply was maybe not the right thing to do 😳
At the moment the eggs seem to have developed fins and are still stuck to the leaf, the adults are "fanning" them with their fins .
if we do lose them as i presume its too late to move them now, will they spawn again ? we will be armed with some info on how to do it correctly next time,but all i got was a panicking girlfriend "MY ANGELS ARE LAYING EGGS ,WHAT DO I DO !!"
Thanks again for your reply
Maloney said:
all i got was a panicking girlfriend "MY ANGELS ARE LAYING EGGS ,WHAT DO I DO !!"

You could tell her she needs a second tank or they will die. 😀

They will spawn again so don't worry about that. What you have now are known as "wrigglers". They're consuming their yolk sacks so won't need feeding until they are free swimming which is when they will likely perish. If you have survivors at the free swimming stage you can attempt to rescue fry to another tank.

The other option you have is moving the other fish to allow the angels the tank to themselves.

They sound like decent parents, as all too often the 1st few batches of eggs are quickly eaten by new parents.

Edit. This maybe helpful. Part 1 of 2.

Part 2 of 2

Once the fry are free swimming unless you have very good parent fish they will either get sucked into the intake of the filter or eaten buy the parents. A good pair of angels will spawn and protect the eggs and fry until they can look after themselves but these are few and far between and worth good money.
The parents will often eat the young to prevent other fish from eating them 😱 Go figure must make sense in the fish world 😀
There lies the dilemma with bringing up egg protecting fish. Some say that removing eggs from the parents before they have had time to nurse them into free swimming stage then creates egg eating fish from the young. On the other hand if you don't remove them their chances of survival are minimal. That's not to say impossible, I have about 25 Kribensis in my community tank with bigger fish all spawned and raised there. Probably got 5/7 survivors from each spawning. Was quite cool to start with having all these natural things going on as if there was a part of the wild in my house then you need to catch them to take them to the LFS. Not a good thing wrecking your main tank to catch them :shock:

If you want to breed them a separate tank would be best with air powered sponge filters. The spawning is the easy part, once the fry hatch they need fed small regular amounts of live food like newly hatched brine shrimp which is also nigh on impossible to do in a community tank.

You never know you might end up with a couple of survivors but generally in a community tank you will see them get to wrigglers then disappear and setting up a breeding tank and rearing them is a project in itself.

OR alternatively you can watch that belting video that was put up while I was posting 😀 As you can see though the eggs are the easy bit, bringing them up takes a lot of patience, time and care.
Ok , many thanks for replys , the latest is that they are still stuck to the leaf ,some keep falling off but are quickly scooped up and put back on the leaf,
We have decided to remove the gourami and the other angel , which are the main threats ,i would say,as the juvenile kribs arent even noticed by the angels ,just leaving the Kribs, some small tetras and the plec
They seem to be good parents, but as stated time will tell.