Once the fry are free swimming unless you have very good parent fish they will either get sucked into the intake of the filter or eaten buy the parents. A good pair of angels will spawn and protect the eggs and fry until they can look after themselves but these are few and far between and worth good money.
The parents will often eat the young to prevent other fish from eating them
😱 Go figure must make sense in the fish world
There lies the dilemma with bringing up egg protecting fish. Some say that removing eggs from the parents before they have had time to nurse them into free swimming stage then creates egg eating fish from the young. On the other hand if you don't remove them their chances of survival are minimal. That's not to say impossible, I have about 25 Kribensis in my community tank with bigger fish all spawned and raised there. Probably got 5/7 survivors from each spawning. Was quite cool to start with having all these natural things going on as if there was a part of the wild in my house then you need to catch them to take them to the LFS. Not a good thing wrecking your main tank to catch them
If you want to breed them a separate tank would be best with air powered sponge filters. The spawning is the easy part, once the fry hatch they need fed small regular amounts of live food like newly hatched brine shrimp which is also nigh on impossible to do in a community tank.
You never know you might end up with a couple of survivors but generally in a community tank you will see them get to wrigglers then disappear and setting up a breeding tank and rearing them is a project in itself.
OR alternatively you can watch that belting video that was put up while I was posting
😀 As you can see though the eggs are the easy bit, bringing them up takes a lot of patience, time and care.