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Help and advice on low maintenace plants


5 Aug 2013
Hi all
Iv just purchased a new roma 125 iv currently just got playsand in and 6 cardinal tetras. Iv got the sand raised in the back left side and raised a little on the right side. Iv been reading and looking alot on this site for ideas so i was thinking of having my main feature just to the left of the tank and possibly having some high plants behind this and carpet plants infront. So just wanting help on which plants are the best that i can have without using CO2 but could use fertilizer if needed. So all help and advice wanted. Picture added
I think others will confirm that carpet plants will struggle without CO2. Liquid CO2 could solve that but if you want Valis as background plants (which is easy to grow) that doesn't like liquid CO2.

My low maintenance tank has done pretty well with Adakama substrate.
Carpet plants can be done in a soil based tank. There's CO2 released by the soil itself. I haven't tried it but I've heard marsilea hirsulata does well. And of course dwarf sagittaria should grow without a problem or echnidorus tenellus. I am currently trying to grow glosso in a low tech soil tank. It's growing slowly but it is carpeting. I can't tell in the long term, it's probably too much hassle to be honest.

That's glosso below and a piece of bacopa australis that decided to carpet as well, no co2 supplement in there.

Liamb2324, my tanks in my signature are both soil based. There's more info in the journals below what soil I've used and what came out.
Ok thank you for that again geting lots of help and advice of every1. Im geting the compost tomorrow and keeping it raised and puting a good layer of sand ontop. Just gota decide which plants to have and wether to use driftwood or rocks!?
Also how long roughly if i used aquasoil or normal john innes no3 or b and q compost would it take until i could add fish?