Hi everyone
I'm in Bromley and back from having lived in France. I knew I was going to return to the UK so my first aquascape there (in a tiny nano) was very basic and small, with just half a dozen neon tetras and a few red cherries - for me, aquascaping brought me back to fishkeeping but once there were fish, their happiness takes priority - and any attempt at aquascaping suffers as a result. But I do love looking at the entries in the competitions that take place and think... one day.
I currently have a small 45-litre tank & a 30-litre, with the plants that survived the move back to the UK from France and the wait until I'd sorted out my house after having tenants in it for the past 10 years. Problem was I left it a little too long to replant them and when I did, I sort of threw them in with the spare substrate that I had left. So it's a bit higgledy-piggledy at the mo - and, of course, the London water is so much harder than the French Alpine water I had that some haven't fared so well.
But as I need a bigger tank for the fish that I have, I want to get something like a 90-litre and spend some more time setting it up from the outset - and then rescaping my 45L tank for my tiny scarlet badis project. I shall have lots of questions I imagine - hence joining this site. Particularly when it comes to substrate as I had an absolutely disastrous experience with ADA's substrate that turned the water completely brown as soon as look at it. I am really fearful of using ADA's soil ever again yet most plants loved it - my filter hated it - and I couldn't do a water change without turning everything the colour of oxtail soup.
So looking forward to posting - particularly when I get my new (to me), larger tank and replanting with a little more care and effort.
Thanks all, Jackie.
I'm in Bromley and back from having lived in France. I knew I was going to return to the UK so my first aquascape there (in a tiny nano) was very basic and small, with just half a dozen neon tetras and a few red cherries - for me, aquascaping brought me back to fishkeeping but once there were fish, their happiness takes priority - and any attempt at aquascaping suffers as a result. But I do love looking at the entries in the competitions that take place and think... one day.
I currently have a small 45-litre tank & a 30-litre, with the plants that survived the move back to the UK from France and the wait until I'd sorted out my house after having tenants in it for the past 10 years. Problem was I left it a little too long to replant them and when I did, I sort of threw them in with the spare substrate that I had left. So it's a bit higgledy-piggledy at the mo - and, of course, the London water is so much harder than the French Alpine water I had that some haven't fared so well.
But as I need a bigger tank for the fish that I have, I want to get something like a 90-litre and spend some more time setting it up from the outset - and then rescaping my 45L tank for my tiny scarlet badis project. I shall have lots of questions I imagine - hence joining this site. Particularly when it comes to substrate as I had an absolutely disastrous experience with ADA's substrate that turned the water completely brown as soon as look at it. I am really fearful of using ADA's soil ever again yet most plants loved it - my filter hated it - and I couldn't do a water change without turning everything the colour of oxtail soup.
So looking forward to posting - particularly when I get my new (to me), larger tank and replanting with a little more care and effort.
Thanks all, Jackie.