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Hello from West Yorkshire


21 Mar 2012
Hello everyone
I'm relatively new to planted aquariums but have kept fish on and off for 35 years(I started young!). I set up my first dedicated planted tank in September 2011 and now I'm hooked 😀
Here is a quick run down of my tank
Rena 1500x500x600 400ltr
2 Rena XP3 externals
2 1600lph Hydro Koronas
4 36 watt T8 Dennerle tubes(2 special plant,1 amazon day and 1 fish colour) with reflectors.
Aquasoil substrate
Co2 from fire extinguisher through a UP in line atomizer
I have a range of stem plants(Bacopa,Ludwigia,Polysperma<pennywort) a few cryps,Aponogena and tiger lotus and Christmas moss and vallis.All are growing well. i am a member of a couple of other forums but thought a planted tank forum would be more helpful as I upgrade and progress.
Type to you soon