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Hello from West Sussex


11 Dec 2022
West Sussex
Hi all!

started fishkeeping in 1962, with a tank in a shed, the tank containing crucian carp that I'd caught. Not being at the time either old or too sensible, I aquascaped it with pond mud. No one could see a thing, but the fish loved it. Ended up putting the crucians in the nearby River Medway, which they loved even more. In those days, scruffy urchin fish transfers weren't illegal. [I think...]

Since then, kept all kinds of aquariums, fish and plants. Over the past few years I've kept soft corals, Regal Angels, a Copperband Butterfly, etc.

However, I need to downsize [on the orders of SWMBO the front room is to be redecorated shortly] so I'll be abandoning my 500 litre reef for something like the Juwel Rio 125. Rather than see it as step backwards, I'm hoping to take aquascaping inspiration from the many interesting tanks and ideas on this forum. There are some fascinating examples of eye-catching aquascapes here.

tank copperband small.jpg