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Hello from Portugal


2 May 2013
Hello everyone,

I've been reading a lot of the great contents of this forum, and I love the no fuss attitude towards aquatic plant keeping.

Keep up the good work!

Welcome Daniel !
Hope you re gonna have good time here.
Put some pic if your tank please.


Hi, I am having serious trouble doing that, I get a sneaky link error when trying to post a new thread in the gallery, but all I am doing is linking my pictures. I don't get it, the text is pasted from notepad.
Hi Daniel. We're trying out some new spam filtering at the moment which prevents new users posting links until they have a certain number of posts etc. We've had some tricky spammers on the forum lately!
I can't even leave a line for paragraph spacing, the sneaky link error shows up...! It's a paranoid filter! :banghead: C'mon, how many posts before I am no longer a "spammer"??
Bem vindos Daniel 🙂 the issue with the photos should now be resolved, we had some spammers lately and I was trying too hard 😉 I have opened the gates a little more 😉