Hi there,
There a so many fascinating journal threads here! I find myself equally entranced by the super high-tech and the really low-tech approaches.
I've recently set up a tank on my drawing desk in my new flat, because I knew that I'd miss the view out over tree-tops that I had in my last home.
I've kept planted aquariums on and off for the last (eek) 18 years or so. Some more high-tech than others. I got started when I bought the first Takashi Amano book on a whim when I was about 18 myself.
I've just found a few photos of tanks from the last decade, which I hope to post. And I'll try to make a journal of my new 30cm cube, and also the small bowl I've setup as a Wabi-kusa-ish experiment.
There a so many fascinating journal threads here! I find myself equally entranced by the super high-tech and the really low-tech approaches.
I've recently set up a tank on my drawing desk in my new flat, because I knew that I'd miss the view out over tree-tops that I had in my last home.
I've kept planted aquariums on and off for the last (eek) 18 years or so. Some more high-tech than others. I got started when I bought the first Takashi Amano book on a whim when I was about 18 myself.
I've just found a few photos of tanks from the last decade, which I hope to post. And I'll try to make a journal of my new 30cm cube, and also the small bowl I've setup as a Wabi-kusa-ish experiment.