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Hello from France !


9 Feb 2022
France - Essonne
Dear members,

Being a new member of the forum is a real pleasure for me, as I have been reading (and practising) a lot of advices there for a long time. Located close to Paris, in the countryside, fond of nature, quiet lanscapes and fresh air 🙂

As a child, in the seventies, I started with a small tank and a couple of guppies... and the passion started and grown year after year. Bigger tanks, fishs breeding, successes, but also epic failures, this is life, try and fail, fail and try again... take the best for next time, and remember how tough were the mistakes 🙂

Now I'm currently "working" on a new project, based on a 90 P sized tank, with home made MDF cabinet (building on going). Nature aquarium style, somewhere between high and low tech, ie planted tank, but as far as possible with low/medium maintenance. Is it possible ? time will tell ! And I'm quite sure I shall find here a lot of tips and advices that shall help me in designing, building and completing this project.

Looking forward to discussing and sharing ideas with you, and apologize in advance for my poor english 🙂

Best regards ! 🙂