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Hello from Cheshire


8 Feb 2012

Just thought i would jump on here and introduce myself before i started chewing peoples ears with questions!!

I have only recently got into aquariums and would like to try my hand at aquascaping. I will be keeping things low tech for the moment until i understand things a little better and see if the hobby is for me or not. I have just bought a second hand 35l Arcadia Arc tank off ebay (just the glass tank) and taken off the grey trim all around to give a more minimal look and it now looks a lot better!
I need to purchase most of the gear needed to get the tank up and running:
A filter...maybe external looked at the tetratec ex600 not too badly priced and if i get a bigger tank say 90l should cover that?,
Overhead light....looking at the superfish aqua Qube 11w?.
I have bought some aquasoil (new) amazonia as a substrate and was maybe going to sprinkle a little osmocote on the bottom of the tank (not much) as i dont plan on feeding CO2 to begin with if possible and thought it might help in the first few months?
Plants...still to decide as im humming and harring about how to scape the tank.
Rocks...i have piles in my garden so might boil a couple up and use then as they are quite attractive looking.
Wood i will have to buy not sure what yet
Have i missed anything off????

I was maybe going to try a dry start method and let it sit for 6 weeks or so then add stem plants and fill the tank but still unsure if this will work with my set up as im not adding CO2?? Probably the wrong section for that question.

Anyway hopefully i will get the time pretty soon to post some of my questions etc and get to know more about this addictive hobby!!


Hi whinnie, it wasn't that hard really, I just used a couple of Stanley knife blades. For my size tank it's not really a problem but if you had a bigger version I'd be worrying about sag in the centre of the tank, especially if you keep the silver outer feet it is attached to as the plastic supports are braces.
johnjo said:
Hi whinnie, it wasn't that hard really, I just used a couple of Stanley knife blades. For my size tank it's not really a problem but if you had a bigger version I'd be worrying about sag in the centre of the tank, especially if you keep the silver outer feet it is attached to as the plastic supports are braces.

ah right, just wondering as ive got the same tank on order for the kitchen 🙂 Cheers
My tank seems perfectly fine without them but I did worry at first as ther is a lot of pressure on the bottom panel of a tank especially when it's raised at the edges.

Enjoy your tank they are nice especially for somewhere like the kitchen.