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Hello, Check out my new planted tank


3 Mar 2012
Hi All. Im in Ireland. Just finished off my first planted aquarium this weekend. Its up and running 48 hrs now. Ive kept community tanks in the past and bred some danios. Fav fish is any pleco. Ive just come back to the hobby with this set up after a 7 year break.

ADA substrate on power sand
1 piece of granite
2 pieces of jati wood
2 t5 45 w tubes
fire extinguisher with regulator 3 bubbles per second (waiting for drop checker to arrive)
fluval 305 (eaiting for srpay bar to arrive)
Will add a fulval 205 once i fix it leaking!

I do have one concern that i would love an opinion on, there is a fine dust, id even say light coating of black oil, on my new plants, im guessing its coming off the substrate. I cant really get it off with my fingers and i tried siphoning with some airline but that doesn't lift it. Has this happened any one else before? is there something i need t do?

Thanks everyone :thumbup:
Tanks looking good great start. I know substrates can give off a fine dust sometimes but certainly not an oil like substance that's difficult to remove. Could this possibly be coming off of something else? 
I've had a few different soils, and the dusting very easily wafted off the plants or came off with a gentle rub 
I was trying to think if it may have come from else where, when i initially filled the tank there was a film on the surface from the substrate, and i think this is what the oil i refer to is, i did a partial water change last night and current from the water going back into the aquarium did help clean off some of the fine dust. some of the smaller leaves on the smaller plants that had a lot on them have died (very small amount)