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Hello all


24 Nov 2011
Hi all. I registered a while back and have been lurking for a while but thought it about time I introduced myself.

Been keeping fish for a while but got into aquascaping about 6 months ago. I started with a 180L tank and now have the 180L community, a 90L community tank and a 28L Betta tank, all medium planted. However, I've just bought (or rather my husband bought me!) a 5ft tank for Christmas which is currently sitting empty while I gather together all the bits I need and decide on a layout. It's going to be my first time using pressurised CO2 as I currently only use easycarbo.

Anyway, nice to meet you all and I hope you'll be very kind when I get all panicky and start asking loads of questions about setting up the co2! 😀 :crazy:
Welcome to UKAPS :wave: I'm going to be setting up pressurised CO2 for the first time soon too 🙂 TBH I've got all the bits and pieces now. I just need the nerve to set it up!! 🙄 I'm going to get the hang of it on my 180l tank before trying to plant up a 5 footer though! I hope you're going to do a journal - I'll watch with interest! 🙂

Hello Mitchell, Viv and Alastair 😀

Viv, I hope to do a journal. If people will be interested...?

I must warn you in advance though, my photography skills leave a lot to be desired 😳
Welcome along :thumbup: