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HC slowly turning yellow

16 Jun 2014
Hi all. I wanted to ask for an advice. I've seen similar subject about HC dying off but my problem is not exactly the same. I started ny tank just over two weeks ago and everything was going really well by now. A few days ago I've noticed that my HC leaves are slightly changing color from very bright green to a slightly yellow. It looks like plants are still growing and their roots too but their color really worries me. Now I've been doing water changes wvery two days about 50%. Water temp 23c. Substrate: Ada amazonia. Light 2x39w t5 running for 6hrs a day. Co2 apparently ok as indicator turning bright green in each section of an aquarium and I've been dosing it for about 8hrs. I was going to dose EI as a fert but at the moment using Ada green brighty step1. Also the water flow is not the worst as I have about 140l of water in the tank and Eheim pro 350. What could I do to stop Hc from changing its color? Thanks
Your filter is a little underpowered but usable i would say. Is it running through a spraybar or another outlet?
Also brighty step 1 is just trace i believe, if this is the case you are lacking in macro ferts (npk).
Until you can source another fertiliser that has nitrogen potassium and phosphate i would recomend large daily waterchanges to substitute this a little although this is not the solution long term.
Yes, I have got spray bar as an outlet. I also thought about Brighty Step 1 being just not enough for HC but wanted to make sure I'm thinking right. I'll get something tomorrow not to starve my HC to death 😉 if that won't help I will go for a wavemaker as a next step. Thanks
I have used Ada Brighty step 1 in conjunction with brighty K and had no problem with HC in Amazonia. Probably time to make a choice as it is not cheap or maybe go with EI. Much cheaper then a full botle of brighty K.

Don't forget your Nitrogen! That's another £25,- at least using ADA stuff.
I have used Ada Brighty step 1 in conjunction with brighty K and had no problem with HC in Amazonia. Probably time to make a choice as it is not cheap or maybe go with EI. Much cheaper then a full botle of brighty K.

Don't forget your Nitrogen! That's another £25,- at least using ADA stuff.

Yes, you are absolutely right. I ordered my EI salts already and by they arrive I will use my ADA. Also to compensate lack of Nitrogen and Phosphate I got a bottle of tropica specialised.
To make sure everything is fine I also got a pump 600l/hr. Now the only question is will 2x39w T6 be enough for 6 hours a day to keep my HC healthy? I gradually go up with lighting but didn't want to put myself in trouble with algaes right from the beginning. Cheers
6 hours sounds safe enough to me. I did the same until all parameters are stable. So I presume you are in your second phase of cycling? I didn't add any nitrogen until last week taking in account that my tank has been running just over 5-6 weeks. I have let the uptake of Nitrogen naturally until I saw issues. I also have found out that when I did my first trim it that hell broke lose. Green Algae, spot Algae and hair Algae.

I am adding a pump aswell as I not happy with the flow, since the plants are growing thicker and higher, the flow has been obscured by so many obstacles.

The pump sounds like a good bet if you are worried that the flow wouldn't reach all sides and corners. Also the extra flow will help lift debris from the substrate and HC. I have a few algea problems but I am pretty sure the lack of flow is the main issue. I hear it over and over again from so many threads on this forum.
Yes, pump is doing brilliant job and I'm glad I got it although it doesn't look good. I have some green algae already but I was expecting that as I have no big plants at all so it was like an obvious think. Now it's been a third week so I'm going to do water changes every 3 days. I hope my hemianthus will get greener eventually.
I am sure it will be all fine, HC doesn't grow super fast but once the root system is settled it will thrive with your setup. Mine toke just over 4 weeks to settle and to cover all the areas.

Now, I am genuinely happy how it looks. Have a looks at my journal " My first high tech tank" I shall send new pictures end of next week.

Good luck and keeps up dated.
I am sure it will be all fine, HC doesn't grow super fast but once the root system is settled it will thrive with your setup. Mine toke just over 4 weeks to settle and to cover all the areas.

Now, I am genuinely happy how it looks. Have a looks at my journal " My first high tech tank" I shall send new pictures end of next week.

Good luck and keeps up dated.
Great looking tank and HC doing great. I hope mine will do the same.