Konrad Michalski
Hi all. I wanted to ask for an advice. I've seen similar subject about HC dying off but my problem is not exactly the same. I started ny tank just over two weeks ago and everything was going really well by now. A few days ago I've noticed that my HC leaves are slightly changing color from very bright green to a slightly yellow. It looks like plants are still growing and their roots too but their color really worries me. Now I've been doing water changes wvery two days about 50%. Water temp 23c. Substrate: Ada amazonia. Light 2x39w t5 running for 6hrs a day. Co2 apparently ok as indicator turning bright green in each section of an aquarium and I've been dosing it for about 8hrs. I was going to dose EI as a fert but at the moment using Ada green brighty step1. Also the water flow is not the worst as I have about 140l of water in the tank and Eheim pro 350. What could I do to stop Hc from changing its color? Thanks