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Harlequin rasbora loss

I have lost 4 more today, the others don't look great either.
I only had 3 left from the original group. So I've taken the hard decision to end the suffering, letting them die slow isn't fair.
They were dispatched using clove oil, very quickly so at least that's a blessing of sorts.
So sad sorry about what's happened. Set up a quaratine tank planted as advised. Add 6 small tetras at a time instead of any more and more later when they have got through quarantine. Nothing you done you did your best. Try and find best recommended shop you can or might be hard these times a fish club society usually have fish for sale from members
They were dispatched using clove oil, very quickly so at least that's a blessing of sorts
If they slipped away with little reaction, they likely had little time remaining

What are the dimensions on your 50l tank?

I’d likely set it up with minimal decor - bare tanks can be varying degrees of stressful for fish depending so although a bare tank is more predictable/manageable for medical treatment, the actual tank I have for Q/H is usually a planted tank BUT this can be difficult to assess as “clean” if you’ve lost a group of fish in there, and then want to use as a Q tank for new fish
(much depends on previous “likely” pathogens)

I would not place 6 small tetras/rasboras etc in a bare tank - this is going to be very stressful for any shoaling fish - instead choose juvenile fish (if there’s concern over bioload from “more” fish), add at least 12-15 fish etc
I usually choose fewer fish species and larger shoal, and prefer to purchase fish only once

Fish clubs may be an excellent source of healthy fish (or there may be a long time seller of livebearers exposed to camallanus worms :banghead:)
If they slipped away with little reaction, they likely had little time remaining

What are the dimensions on your 50l tank?

I’d likely set it up with minimal decor - bare tanks can be varying degrees of stressful for fish depending so although a bare tank is more predictable/manageable for medical treatment, the actual tank I have for Q/H is usually a planted tank BUT this can be difficult to assess as “clean” if you’ve lost a group of fish in there, and then want to use as a Q tank for new fish
(much depends on previous “likely” pathogens)

I would not place 6 small tetras/rasboras etc in a bare tank - this is going to be very stressful for any shoaling fish - instead choose juvenile fish (if there’s concern over bioload from “more” fish), add at least 12-15 fish etc
I usually choose fewer fish species and larger shoal, and prefer to purchase fish only once

Fish clubs may be an excellent source of healthy fish (or there may be a long time seller of livebearers exposed to camallanus worms :banghead:)

Dimensions are 45x35x30 (I think), I'm thinking of a thin layer of sand, epiphytes that I have left over and the hob running gently. Everything attached to wood/rock and easy to siphon out sand if needs be. Would that work?
When quarantining fish should I dose as a precaution or just simply leave them be in the tank?
Just a note to anyone planning or possibly using esha meds in the future, the meds have discoloured my filter pipes. Not sure if it's done the same to the aquarium silicone (can't notice it with water in) but it's something to be wary off.
I used exit and 2000.
Not sure if it's done the same to the aquarium silicone
They will indeed stain transparent silicone. My silicone was a funky blue color for many years, although it seems to have faded away again now. I don't remember which one of the two was the culprit, but caution is advised.

I would use other medicine options anyway, those two are so mild they hardly do anything.