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Hare Hill - Reborn

Re: Hare Hill - the shrimp-scape project

Hope it is visible now 😵
Re: Hare Hill - the shrimp-scape project

ianho said:
yes it is and it looks great! very very healthy.

Thanks my friend! The CO2 and moderate fertilising are the key here. Before the addition of the CO2 system, it was...kind of slow and scruffy.

Mark Evans said:
Looks fabulous mate :thumbup:

Thanks, Mark! I still want to change few things around and to get a bit more growth, before making final shots and take it down.
Re: Hare Hill - the former shrimp-scape project

Thanks mate!

I have followed the valuable advises of Mark , regarding the spreading of the eleocharis and also I have added some rotala on the back to fill in the corner and to create contrast with the stones and the manzi.
Re: Hare Hill - the former shrimp-scape project

Wow, for some reason I had no idea how small this was until you posted the shot with the camera and clown/rocket Panchax. Great scaling and scaping to achieve the look of a much bigger tank.
Re: Hare Hill - the former shrimp-scape project

Thanks Ady!

That was the hardest task to achieve.The initial hardscape, wasn't right, as the plants covered it completely and ruined the whole idea. I had to rearrange it due course and to add some more stones. I had to choose very carefully the plants, that will not disturb the scaling. The grading of the cosmetic sand, also emphasis the effect- Thanks for the tip Mark! 🙂
Really nice, love the fish choices too.
Thanks guys! I love those fish a lot, all of them 🙂

The "stripe fish" is Pseudepiplatys Annulatus Maboshi strain, also known as Clown Killi. They are wonderful fish, but apparently hard to find. My female passed away few days ago and I'm now looking for another one, but can't find... 🙁
Whitey89 said:
Hats off Antoni, Amazing Aquascape.
Very Tranquil music choice too, suits it perfectly.

Well done buddy :thumbup:

Thanks Nathaniel! I'm glad you like it 🙂

That is my first try in video editing and I was using the Youtube software and music library. Pretty amazing, how easy is to use their software!