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'Hard to get hold of' plants


5 Mar 2010
Hi all,

Where do you all go to source unusual plants????

I'm after 1 or 2 plants that seem really tough to get hold of, and I'm feeling very disheartened by the lack of positivity I'm faced with when talking to various shops



Anubias Afzelii. (not the angustofolia variant) the true big version with reddy stems.


Needle leaf Java fern
Shops very rarely will be able to help, unless they have a very good rapport with the oriental growers what's received is often mixed boxes of plants that for them are very easy and cheap to produce. Greenline used to bring their plants in from Thailand and such places and were brilliant for getting those hard to get plants reasonably but alas they've been dead for years.

The best bet now is probably the living waters, I've never used them but they come highly commended and their plant lists are very impressive.

Needle leaf travels well, I had mine from aquatic magic and though it took it's time both arriving and was quite small once it was growing it was rampant.
theres quite a few members here that have needle leaf.its just a matter of waiting for someone to have a trim.
Thanks gents, there may be a WANTED Ad posted soon I think. Certainly for the needle leaf java.

I can't believe I'd possibly have to order plants from the states. It wouldn't worry me too much, but it just seems nuts!


I couldn't find a plant list on the livingwatersonline site ??? 🙁
It looks like it's in the early stages of being built so I gathered I'd have to call them to make an order???

Will try one other place before giving them a go.


Gfish said:
It looks like it's in the early stages of being built so I gathered I'd have to call them to make an order???

They are not an online retailer per se.
but phone them up and they will probably be quite happy sending stuff out to you.