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You sir are delightfully bonkers. I wish I was so creative.

Reminded me of this Adam Savage video

I wish I had more pics to show you but we went to Oxford last week and came back with Covid and it is a bad dose that has floored us for the last three days.
Hopefully be back sanding in a couple of days…
Incidentally we went to see the TRex at the Oxford natural history museum and I found some extra inspiration from that visit!
Thanks, some of my very earliest memories as a child are about making things, like shaping animals from playdoh or drawing stick men. It is just how my brain works…I just like making things!
However, as much as I have tried, I have never been able to made any money from art, so I just make things for fun and relaxation .
Perhaps my work was fundamentally based around art and design as I worked in garden hard scape for most of my life.